Thursday, May 27, 2010


All in all, a dog day. The dehydration began early. On my second milestone biking to school my tees were soaked and stuck to the back like plastic on hot metal. I had 3 more miles on this burning road.

When you begin a school-day by collapsing on the lounge attempting to channel fluids over a parched tongue, 'listless' is a safe prognosis. Today, prediction bang on.

The demolition of every ounce of morale was complete with a two hour soccer stint. The humidity and heat seem to hack the insides of my soul while the wise choice of wearing no socks under the brace lacerated my right foot.

Now, this minute, the rains are coming down outside. Some mercy.

I should check on arugula and spinach in the garden, first thing tomorrow. I fear fatality from the heat today.

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